Do you want to buy a property in Verbier?
Purchase info
Purchase by Swiss buyers (or foreigners with resident permit)

The purchase is free, there is no special restriction or authorization to obtain.
This also applies to purchasers who hold a B or C resident permit, as long as they are from a country inside the EU or EFTA area.
Purchase by foreign buyers

Purchase by a foreign buyer is subject to prior approval by the authorities based on Swiss federal law, the so-called « Lex Koller »
For more details about the purchase procedure download the document « Lex Koller » below.
Deed of sale fees

The transaction costs are paid by the purchaser and it represents approximately 3% of the purchase price. It includes the notary’s fees, registration fees in the land register as well as cantonal and communal transfer taxes.
In the case of a mortgage note creation the costs are approximately 1% of the mortgage amount.
Terms of payment

In case of resale to Swiss or foreign buyers with a resident permit: 10% upon signing the deed in the notary’s bank account and the balance in the same bank account just before the taking possession.
In case of resale to foreign buyers no advance payment on the sale price can be paid before the granting of a guarantee of the quota unit from the State of Valais. Upon obtaining this pre-authorization, a deposit of 10% is to be paid into the bank account of the notary. The balance has to be paid before the taking possession on the same account.